院內碼: AMIL
藥品名: 意覓樂錠
作用: 類似Sulpiride作用,阻滯多巴胺受體,減低腦部訊息傳遞,並可令情緒穩定,抗抑鬱作用
適應症: 思覺失調症
用法用量: Productive State: 400-800 mg/Day Divided In 2 Doses. Negative State: 50-300 mg Once Daily
副作用: 嗜睡、震顫、僵直、運動減退、男性女乳症、體重增加。
禁忌: Children less than 15 years. Lactation. Known or suspected prolactin-dependent tumour. Severe renal insufficiency. Congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome or lactase deficiency
醫療提示: 抗精神病藥(TRANQUILIZERS)
其他補充: Monitor for neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Discontinue in events of hyperthermia.Renal insufficiency. Patients with history of seizures. Elderly. Parkinsonism. May impair ability to drive or operate machinery. Pregnancy, lactation.
藥品外觀: 錠劑