院內碼: ANXIC
藥品名: 安心平注射液(管4)
作用: 本品為benzodiazepine類抗焦慮劑,12歲以下孩童不要使用,劑量必須個別的釐定
適應症: 焦慮狀態
用法用量: Adult: Usual dose: 1-6 mg daily in 2 or 3 divided doses. Largest dose taken at night. Up to 10 mg daily has been used. Elderly: Initial dose of 1-2 mg daily in 2 or 3 divided doses. Adjust as necessary.
副作用: 腳步笨拙或不穩,頭暈,昏昏欲睡,口齒不清
禁忌: Severe hepatic impairment; respiratory depression; acute narrow-angle glaucoma; pregnancy and lactation.
醫療提示: 苯二氮平衍生物(BENZODIAZEPINES)
其他補充: Hepatic and renal dysfunction; pulmonary insufficiency; myasthenia gravis; may impair ability to drive or operate machinery; elderly or debilitated patients.
藥品外觀: 咖啡色瓶身