院內碼: BRO6
藥品名: 牟靜錠6公絲(管4)
作用: 屬於Benzodiazepine(BZD)類藥物,具有改善焦慮、緊張、鎮靜與肌肉鬆弛作用。低劑量下,會選擇性地降低緊張和焦慮;在高劑量時,具有鎮靜和鬆弛肌肉的特性。
適應症: 焦慮狀態
用法用量: Psychoneurotic Disorders Of Compulsive Phobic & Anxiety, Depression & Mental Stress. Adult 1.5-3 mg Tid. In Severe Cases: 6-12 Mg Bid-Tid. Pre-Anaesth 6 Mg Before Surgical Operation.
副作用: 思睡、頭昏眼花、抑鬱、眩暈、噁心
禁忌: Hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines, severe respiratory insufficiency, severe hepatic insufficiency, sleep apnea syndrome. Pregnancy, lactation.
醫療提示: 苯二氮平衍生物(BENZODIAZEPINES)
其他補充: Elderly. hepatic/renal impairment. Should not be used alone to treat depression or anxiety associated with depression. Not recommended for the primary treatment of psychotic illness. Risk of dependence in patients with history &/of alcohol or drug abuse
藥品外觀: 圓扁形,淺綠色,JCP│6,一字刻痕