院內碼: BUPO
藥品名: 必博寧持續性藥效錠150毫克(BUPORIN S-R TAB 150MG)
作用: 成人和青少年(13至17歲)的思覺失調症。成人和兒童(10至17歲)的雙極性疾患之躁症發作及混合型發作,可單獨使用或做為鋰鹽或Valproate的輔助治療。重鬱症之輔助治療
適應症: 治療憂鬱症,及治療尼古丁依賴症,作為戒菸之輔助
用法用量: Schizophrenia start & target dose: 10 or 15 mg once daily. Usual dose range: 10-30 mg/day. The dose may be adjusted at intervals of not less than 2 weeks. Bipolar disorder Initially 30 mg once daily; may require a decrease to 15 mg based on tolerability
副作用: 體重增加或減少、癲癇發作、失眠、口乾、頭痛、失眠、噁心嘔吐、心搏過速、便秘
禁忌: Current or past history of seizure disorder. Current or previous diagnosis of bulimia or anorexia. Use within 2 weeks of MAOI therapy.
其他補充: Dose-related risk of seizure in patient with history of head trauma, CNS tumor, history of seizures or concomitant administration of other medications known to lower the seizure threshold. Alcohol abuse, abrupt withdrawal from alcohol or sedatives
藥品外觀: 圓形,紫色,B02,商標