院內碼: CLO
藥品名: 康朗舒錠
作用: 為一thioxanthene衍生物,具有顯著的抗精神病和特殊安靜作用,治療幾星期後,非專一的鎮靜作用減弱。鎮神劑的抗精神病之作用一般與其dopamine接收器阻斷作用有關。治療急慢性精神病,伴有行為障礙和老年人精神紊亂之遲延性精神並有效。
適應症: 精神病狀態
用法用量: Usually 10-50 mg/day. In moderate to severe cases initially 20 mg/day increased, if necessary, by 10-20 mg/day every 2-3 days to greater than or equal to 75 mg daily.
副作用: 錐體束外症群:運動不能、帕金森氏症、靜坐不能
禁忌: Acute alcohol, barbiturate & opiate intoxication. Pregnancy.
醫療提示: 抗精神病藥(TRANQUILIZERS)
其他補充: Should be used with caution in patients with convulsive disorders or advanced hepatic, renal or cardiovascular disease.Effects on the Ability to Drive or Operate Machinery: The ability to drive a car or operate machinery may be affected.
藥品外觀: 注射劑