院內碼: CLO1
藥品名: 克慮平錠100公絲
作用: 為精神安定劑,其可緩解正的和負的思覺失調症狀,都不會有錐體外徑的症狀
適應症: 其他藥物治療失效的思覺失調症病患
用法用量: 300-450 mg daily in divided doses. Max: 900 mg daily.
副作用: 唾液分泌過多、 頭痛、眩暈、神經不安、胃不舒服、嘔吐、腹瀉、便秘
禁忌: Patients unable to undergo regular blood tests; history of toxic or idiosyncratic granulocytopenia/agranulocytosis.impaired bone marrow function; uncontrolled epilepsy; alcoholic & other toxic psychoses, drug intoxication, comatose conditions.
醫療提示: 抗精神病藥(TRANQUILIZERS)
其他補充: Use should be limited to treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients who have normal leukocyte findings & in whom the mandatory leukocyte & differential blood counts can be performed. Eosinophilia. Myocarditis. Orthostatic hypotension.
藥品外觀: 軟膏劑