院內碼: DEPS
藥品名: 帝拔癲液
作用: 提昇CNS中GABA(一種抑制性神經傳遞物質)的濃度及其功能,而降低中樞神經的異常放電
適應症: 癲癇之大發作、小發作混合血型及顳葉癲癇、躁病
用法用量: Adults and Adolescents: Mean dosage per 24 hrs, to be administered in 2 or 3 divided doses, preferably with meals in 20-30 mg/kg body weight. The tablets are to be taken with water. Always administer as prescribed
副作用: 月經週期改變,腹瀉,掉髮,消化不良
禁忌: Acute or chronic hepatitis, personal or family history of severe hepatitis, hepatic porphyria
其他補充: Children < 3 years & those with congenital metabolic or degenerative disorders, organic brain disease, or severe seizure disorders associated with mental retardation; combination with other antiepileptics. SLE, weight gain, severe renal impairment
藥品外觀: 內服液劑