院內碼: DESB
藥品名: 緒平糖衣錠
作用: 為一強力神經緩解劑(Neuroleptic drug)屬於thioxanthene類製劑,並無鎮靜、催眠作用,有顯著之抗精神病作用,能迅速減輕幻覺、癡呆忘想、思緒不寧及禁戒症
適應症: 焦慮症、憂鬱症
用法用量: 2 tab daily. Maintenance: 1 tab in the morning. Max: 6 tab/daily
副作用: 不安、失眠、頭痛
禁忌: Immediate recovery phase after MI. Defects in bundle-branch conduction. Untreated narrow-angle glaucoma. Acute alcohol, barbiturates & opiate intoxications. Patients who have received MAOIs within 2 weeks. Excitable or overactive patients
醫療提示: 抗精神病藥(TRANQUILIZERS)
其他補充: Pregnancy & lactation
藥品外觀: 圓凸形,紫紅色