院內碼: DIAZ2
藥品名: 煩靜錠(管4)
作用: Benzodiazepines是在與一專一性神經單位膜(Neuronal membrane)接受體相互作用後,提高或促進了GABA之抑制性神經傳導作用而產生。
適應症: 焦慮狀態.失眠、肌肉痙攣
用法用量: Anxiety 2 mg tid, dose may be increased to 15-30 mg daily in divided doses. Elderly or debilitated patients 1/2 adult dose. Insomnia associated with anxiety 5-15 mg at bedtime.
副作用: 嗜睡、暈眩、疲倦、虛弱、口乾、腹瀉、胃腸不適及食慾改變
禁忌: Respiratory depression; acute pulmonary insufficiency; sleep apnoea; severe hepatic impairment; chronic psychosis; myasthenia gravis.
醫療提示: 苯二氮平衍生物(BENZODIAZEPINES)
其他補充: Respiratory disease, muscle weakness, history of drug or alcohol abuse, marked personality disorder, hepatic or renal impairment; avoid prolonged use. Pregnancy, lactation.
藥品外觀: 圓形,淺藍色,一字刻痕