院內碼: DIPHI
藥品名: 鹽酸二苯胺明注射液(DIPHENHYDRAMINE INJ 30 MG/ML 1 ML)
作用: 為抗組織胺藥物,會和組織胺於細胞表面的H1受體產生拮抗作用
適應症: 濕疹、皮膚炎、蕁麻疹、藥物疹、過敏性鼻炎、枯草熱、血清病、食物過敏
用法用量: Adult: As hydrochloride: 10-50 mg as a 1% or 5% solution, up to 100 mg. Dose may be given via deep IM or IV inj. Not more than 400 mg in 24 hr.Child: 5 mg/kg daily in 4 divided doses. Dose can be given via deep IM or IV inj. Max: 300 mg in 24 hr
副作用: 昏昏欲睡,口乾,胃痛或噁心,頭痛
禁忌: Acute attack of asthma. Premature infants
其他補充: Narrow-angle glaucoma. Pregnancy. Urinary retention, prostatic hypertrophy. Patients with focal lesions of the cerebral cortex. Avoid operating vehicles or machinery. Cross sensitivity to related drugs
藥品外觀: 注射劑