院內碼: DUX6
藥品名: 萬憂停膠囊60毫克(DUXETINE CAPSULES 60MG)
作用: 精神治療藥
適應症: 重鬱症
用法用量: Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy - Pain: 60 mg Orally Once Daily ; Fibromyalgia: Initial, 30 Mg Orally Once Daily For 1 Week; Increase To Recommended Dose Of 60 Mg Once Daily Based On Tolerability ; Generalized Anxiety Disorder: 60 Mg Orally Once Daily
副作用: 噁心、口乾、食慾下降、便秘、疲勞、嗜睡、流汗增加
禁忌: Coadministration with MAOIs; uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma
其他補充: Suicidal ideation & behavior; bipolar disorder; patients with substantial alcohol use; history of mania or seizure disorders; controlled narrow-angle glaucoma; patients with conditions that may slow gastric emptying
藥品外觀: 長橢圓形,藍色/綠色,CCP B85,60mg