院內碼: EASY
藥品名: 悅康持續藥效膠囊75公絲(EASYFOR S.R. 75MG)
作用: 抗憂鬱機轉位於中樞神經系統,與加強神經介質的活性有關。Venlafaxine 與其活性代謝物,會加強抑制serotonin及norepinephrine的再吸收作用
適應症: 鬱症、犯焦慮症、社交焦慮症、恐慌症
用法用量: 75 mg once daily. After 2 weeks, the dose may be increased to 150 mg once daily & further to 225 mg once daily if needed.
副作用: 無力、暈眩、頭痛、失眠、噁心及神經緊張
禁忌: less than 18 yr. Lactation. Uncontrolled hypertension; high risk of serious ventricular arrhythmia.
其他補充: History of MI or unstable heart disease. Routine BP monitoring advisable at doses > 200 mg/day. History of seizure disorders, major depressive disorders, suicidal ideation, mania, drug abuse, renal or hepatic impairment.
藥品外觀: 長橢圓形,粉紅色,N.K.P.476 / N.K.P.476