院內碼: ESCT5
藥品名: 易思坦膜衣錠5毫克(ESCITALO F.C. TABLETS 5MG)
作用: Escitalopram屬於選擇性血清素(serotonin)再回收抑制劑,能保持腦內神經傳導物質的平衡。
適應症: 憂鬱症之治療及預防復發
用法用量: Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Initial, 10 mg/Day Orally As A Single Dose In The Morning Or Evening , Maintenance, 10 Mg/Day Orally, May Increase To 20 Mg/Day Orally Only After A Minimum Of One Week ; Major Depressive Disorder: Initial, 10 mg/Day Orally A
副作用: 食慾降低、失眠、嗜睡、眩暈、噁心、下痢、多汗、疲勞。
禁忌: Concomitant treatment with non-selective, irreversible MAOIs
其他補充: History of mania or seizure disorders; work requiring mental alertness; renal and hepatic impairment; pregnancy, lactation; withdraw gradually. Children and adolescents
藥品外觀: 橢圓形,白色,S│W,5