院內碼: FLUNP
藥品名: 福寧片錠2毫克FLUNEPAN TAB 2MG(管3)
作用: 作用於中樞神經系統,具鎮靜、安眠、麻醉及肌肉鬆弛等作用
適應症: 失眠
用法用量: Adult 0.5-1 mg At Bedtime. Max: 2 mg/Day. Elderly Or Debilitated Patients Initially 0.5 mg At Bedtime. Max: 1 mg/Day.
副作用: 肌肉鬆弛,嗜睡
禁忌: Respiratory depression, myasthenia gravis, patients with a history of alcohol or drug addiction. Pregnancy & lactation.
交互作用: Respiratory disease, hepatic impairment, muscle weakness, marked personality disorder, patients with organic brain changes (particularly arteriosclerosis). Avoid prolonged use. May affect ability to drive or operate machinery.
醫療提示: 懷孕等級D
藥品外觀: 錠劑 圓凸形 白色 十字刻痕