院內碼: FUXI
藥品名: 撫緒妥糖衣錠
作用: 為一強力神經緩解劑(Neuroleptic drug)屬於thioxanthene類製劑,並無鎮靜、催眠作用,有顯著之抗精神病作用,能迅速減輕幻覺、癡呆忘想、思緒不寧及禁戒症
適應症: 精神病狀態
用法用量: Initially, 0.5 mg twice daily. Later the dose may be adjusted within the range of 0.5-3 mg daily
副作用: 錐體外症候群、震顫、靜坐不能
禁忌: Extremely excitable and overactive patients. Acute barbiturate, alcohol and opiate poisoning. Should preferably not be given during pregnancy.
醫療提示: 抗精神病藥(TRANQUILIZERS)
其他補充: Should be used with caution in patients with severe hepatic or renal disease. If previously the patient has been treated with tranquilizers with a sedative effect, these should be withdrawn gradually.
藥品外觀: 圓形,土黃色