院內碼: IXE
藥品名: 鬱思樂膠囊50公絲
作用: Milnacipran是serotonin(5-HT)及正腎上腺素(NA)再回收的雙重抑制劑。與多數三環類抗憂鬱藥物不同的是Milnacipran對α1-腎上腺素刺激性或H1-組織胺刺激性的接受器均無親和力
適應症: 重型憂鬱症
用法用量: 50 mg bid
副作用: 頭暈、熱潮紅、多汗
禁忌: Children less than 15 years; concomitant administration with non-selective MAOI, MAO-B inhibitors, digoxin or 5HT1 agonists.use with MAO-A inhibitors; prostatic hypertrophy or urinary retention
其他補充: Insomnia or nervousness at the start of treatment; renal insufficiency, as this may lead the doctor to modify the daily dose of Ixel; adenoma of the prostate or difficulties in urinating; high blood pressure or heart disease; close angle glaucoma
藥品外觀: 軟膏劑