院內碼: KENA
藥品名: 康寧克通關節內皮內注射劑
作用: 合成並有抗炎效果的腎上腺皮質素
適應症: 關節、滑囊及腱鞘發炎、局部性、肥大性、浸潤性及炎性皮病(慢性單純苔蘚、斑性牛皮癬、環狀肉牙腫、扁平苔蘚)
用法用量: Intra-articular or intrabursal or inj into tendon sheaths Initially 2.5-5 mg for smaller joints & 5-15 mg for larger joints. Single inj into several joints, up to a total of ? 20 mg have been used. Intradermal Max initial dose: 1 mg/inj site
副作用: 浮腫、血壓上升,尤其是腎臟病患及高血壓患者特別容易發生
禁忌: Systemic infections. IV administration, acute situations, unstable joints.
醫療提示: 腎上腺素(ADRENALS)?
其他補充: Diabetes; hypertension, renal and liver impairment; glaucoma; psychosis; delayed tissue healing; cirrhosis; heart failure; recent MI; hypothyroidism; osteoporosis; peptic ulceration; thromboembolic disorders.
藥品外觀: 注射劑