院內碼: KIN
藥品名: 景安寧錠1公絲(管4)
作用: 藉由調整抑制性神經傳遞物質GABA的活性,而發揮抗焦慮及降低緊張之功效
適應症: 焦慮狀態
用法用量: Adult 0.25-0.5 mg tid, dose may be increased to a total of 3 mg daily. Elderly or debilitated patients 0.25 mg bid-tid.
副作用: 偶爾有疲倦感
禁忌: Acute narrow angle glaucoma.
醫療提示: 苯二氮平衍生物(BENZODIAZEPINES)
其他補充: Avoid operating vehicles or machinery; abuse-prone individuals; pregnancy; lactation; renal or hepatic dysfunction. Patients whose primary diagnosis is schizophrenia. Avoid abrupt discontinuation. Children
藥品外觀: 橢圓形,白色,S│K / 207,一字刻痕