院內碼: MOX
藥品名: 莫克寧膜衣錠1公克MOXICLAV 1G F.C. TABLETS
作用: 抗生素-青黴素類(PENICILLINS)
適應症: 葡萄球菌、鏈球菌、肺炎雙球菌、腦膜炎球菌及其他具有感受性細菌引起之感染症,僅「上呼吸道感染病患」屬一般感冒或病毒性感染者,不應使用。
用法用量: Adult & Child > 12 Yr: 1.2 G Q8H. In Serious Infection, May Be Increased To Q6H
副作用: 有嚴重肝機能障礙者,需謹慎使用本藥
禁忌: Hypersensitivity to penicillins, possible cross sensitivity with other β-lactam antibiotics. History of penicillin-associated cholestatic jaundice/hepatic dysfunction
交互作用: Renal or hepatic impairment. Ensure adequate hydration especially with parenteral therapy or high doses. Avoid if grandular fever or infectious mononucleosis is suspected. Prolonged use. Pregnancy
醫療提示: 懷孕分級B
藥品外觀: 錠劑